Mind the Gap

A project about age-disparate same-sex relationships today

What is the project about?

"Mind the Gap" is a documentary photography project currently in its planning and research phase. This page is intended for those interested in collaborating on the project.

I am seeking same-sex couples who are motivated to take part. The project aims to document age-disparate same-sex relationships and place them in their historical context.

As a photographer with experience in age-disparate same-sex relationships, I come to the subject with an open, enquiring mind, with the ultimate goal of recognizing and celebrating the diversity of human connection.

For more information about the context of the project, please see the "Why Mind the Gap?" section in the FAQs below.

What kind of photos will be taken?

At this point, I am looking for a few couples to help me develop the visual language for the series. This will mean collaborating with me to make a number of test photos, experimenting with different scenarios and set-ups: e.g. photos in the couple’s home using natural light where possible and others with artificial lighting, exterior shots, photos of the couple together and others with each partner separate. I would like to make some photos which examine what ‘intimacy’ means in the relationship.

Each of the couple will also be invited to produce some text about their experience of living together (probably in response to some written prompts). This text may accompany the images in part or full, though this has yet to be decided.

Once I have developed the concept for the series with the help of my test couples, I will be ready to recruit more couples to start the project fully.

The photos are likely to be in the style of 'environmental portraits.'  These are photos where the background is actively chosen to support the mood or story the portrait is trying to convey.   

Taking part.

To take part:

  • you will currently be in a same-sex relationship and be 18 years or over

  • either you, your partner or both of you consider there to be a material gap in your ages, or you believe people outside of your relationship remark on the age gap between you

  • you live in England, Scotland or Wales

  • you are happy to collaborate on a project that will be shared publicly (the use of real names is not a requirement)

What’s in it for you?

  • An interesting experience for you and your partner

  • An archive quality print to frame commemorating where you are in your lives right now

  • A selection of digital images to share with friends and family

  • The opportunity to order additional prints

  • Other opportunities depending on how the project develops

This is not a commercial project and there is no payment for taking part. No outputs from the project will be used for financial gain, without the expressed permission of those taking part.

If you think you’d like to take part but are not sure, let’s talk. Fill out the expression of interest form below and I’ll get back to you.

How will the project be shared?

As a starting point, images and text will be posted as a dedicated page on my website shaunwaller.com and as Instagram posts and stories.

The project will also be shared with London Independent Photography (LIP), a group of which I am a member. Selected images may appear in LIP publications or group exhibitions.

Selected images may also be entered for portrait or other photographic competitions.

Depending on the attention the project gets, the following outputs are also possible:

  • print articles

  • a book or zine

  • exhibitions

Expression of interest.

If you are in a relationship as described above, I’d love to hear from you. Or if you are a writer or researcher who is interested in developing text for the project, also do get in touch.

Any questions? Take a look at the FAQs below.

I’ll be in touch soon.


  • My starting point is that there is an age-gap when the difference in years between the couple is sometimes remarked upon by others or by at least one of the couple. This is purposely a loose definition, as perceptions may vary regardless of actual age.

  • I’ll work with as many couples as I can over the next couple of years. If I decline to work with you I’ll give a reason: this is likely to involve problems of logistics (e.g. difficult or expensive travel, getting access to suitable venues or locations.)

  • Currently shoots can take place anywhere in Great Britain. Photos will be made on real locations, indoors or outdoors, not studios. As the project evolves, couples living elsewhere may be included.

  • Absolutely. Couples will receive one archive quality colour print (up to 12 x 16 inches) as well as a digital copy of the same image to share with family and friends, plus two other digital images. Additional prints and digital copies will be available to buy at reasonable prices.

  • This is a working title for the project and it may change as the work develops. The title is meant to be provocative, catchy and intentionally ambiguous: mind the gap (some people do); mind the gap? ( do you?)

  • This is a collaborative project and involves the willing participation of each of the couple. It will be possible to see non-edited versions of the photos as the photo session progresses, which should lessen any chances that the images are considered unacceptable. The final choice of images to be used in the project lies with the photographer.

    If for any reason, either of the couple wishes to withdraw from the project, this will be possible up until the point when any images are used in any public or printed materials.